Tuesday, July 22, 2008


no depression after ecamp. not a seer; who uses the word seer? was one day late, that was an entire day i missed! everyone was drunk or sleeping, or drunk and sleeping when i got there. tin and mayee were already sober and were taking care of everyone. pretended i was drunk, too. easy.

won a star, finally. yeah, always wanted one of those, to be honest. i kind of envied teammates who've won before. not the creepy envy kind, no. the summary's i'm only human, and i can't pretend i don't care. i do. happy i won. there i said it. oh, the star was for writing blog entries four times more than what i was obligated to write. wasn't there, by the way. eric accepted the thing for me. god i'm so self-centered. don't care, this makes me happy. for now.

joined the teambuilding activity on day two (this qualified me for a minor prize in the raffle but even though i insisted on joining, having an entry, i knew i wasn't winning anything; i did not). not a fan of those pop psych shit they tell you after tough games. that's because i pretend i'm cool. and we all know the blah about working together as a team, helping each other out. but when you're there something makes sense. well, something made sense to me.

i'm happy i was happy. dandandan here come the clichés. i should write like this more often.

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