Sunday, August 03, 2008

deathly, definitely

is it freudian that my problems seem so shallow when i try to articulate them? i mean, they're really depressing and all but how do you say, i totally like this one person and unfortunately blah blah without sounding, one: shallow (there's a war in iraq and economic woes everywhere), and two: really kitschy (danielle steel, anyone? she's better, actually). see, i have to say freudian so even i won't judge myself (freudian because of those id crap, and how being noble is a myth).

freud. kitsch. "philosophy". i swear this is what my professor was talking about yesterday. some bad adjective mosaic. circles. fuck. if i can't organize even the icons on my work pc then no use trying to organize thoughts. or writing. i sometimes seriously want to be writing about real things. i'm always confined. i've created this place, or feeling, or setup. i want things to change but i haven't the patience. so, drama. sucks.

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