Tuesday, December 11, 2007

no money, still spending

latest purchase: harold bloom's shakespeare: the invention of the human. am not required to read it (and i don't think i will be able to finish reading all of it for next saturday's class). *sigh, the things we do. had dinner with alanah the same night i bought the book, her reaction was a big eeww when she saw the harold bloom. haha, i get it. the best jacques derrida quote i know is this: to pretend, i actually do the thing. i have therefore only pretended to pretend.

also have to pay for a good scent from a strange mountain, ordered a signed hardbound copy of the book two months ago. the bookstore informed me earlier today that the book had arrived.

and then i look at all my books and wonder how i had spent so much and have so little. are we still talking books here?

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