Thursday, January 01, 2009

non-bohemian, non-poet

if you really think about it, the new year shouldn't change shit about you, as a person, as a freaking living human being, because. but that sentiment is overused, and no one really cares anyway. it's fun and freaky and you're expected to do a lot of things: open doors, figure out what the next year brings, my mom says i should eat, turn on lights, clean the house.

i've no plans, one cannot plan bumming around. well, that's still one plan alright but plans are detailed and specific so maybe my plan does not qualify as a plan plan. roberto bolaƱo says poetry is homosexual; he goes on describing poets as sissies, faggots, fairies. it was one of the best pages of a book i've ever read. happy new year to me. and it's jd salinger's 90th today, happy birthday!

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