Thursday, November 08, 2007

lambs leading lions

as we were leaving the movie theater, the topic was those little things meryl streep did which make her meryl streep (and that was the worst sentence ever written).

the point was: acting has had a sort of template, hell, acting has become such a cliche. put several people onscreen and they'll imitate some performance by some previous actor. now here's the part where i rave, and this is a repetition of what others have said before. those tiny gestures by meryl were so amazing we could only count the ones we spotted - one leg scratching the other, the hand checking the armpit.

and lions for lambs was great by the way; what's particularly good about it is that the conversations are not dialogues but are in fact monologues - the characters are speaking their minds; they seem to be conversing with the other characters but they are more concerned with what they have to say that with what they are hearing. did that make sense? after watching a film full of articulate people i should have learned something.

before we watched the movie we all had this idea we were watching it for meryl streep. and as with all her other movies, the disappointment never came.

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